It’s time to build a business workflow that works with your energy, not against it.

Welcome to the Cyclical Business Planning.

If you’re a caregiver, a person who deals with chronic illness, someone who menstruates, or the owner of a neurodivergent brain: It’s time to acknowledge that the existing systems of business growth don’t work well for us.

We can’t plan on having the same day every day. Routines sound great, but they are rarely practical for us. The whole 9-5 schedule doesn’t match the way our brains work.

But there’s another way — a more hush hush, less rigid way. It’s called cyclical business planning.

Join Jenni for a one-hour workshop focused on creating a business workflow that allows you to work at varying paces based on your needs and your energy.

The goals: To build a business that allows for deep rest and deep focus. To give yourself permission to lean into your own unique patterns of productivity.

We’re not robots. We’re human beings.

Cyclical business planning acknowledges this reality and helps you build patterns and rhythms (rather than rigid routines) that accommodate your changing body.

You’ll walk out of this workshop with an understanding of:

  • What you need on a daily basis,

  • Your long-game business intentions,

  • A menu of ways to work toward those intentions,

  • Permission to have different levels of energy on different days, based on whatever season you’re in.

You don’t have to be a robot to make progress on your big goals. Instead, design a routine and plan your business with permission to be a human person.

In this workshop, Jenni is joined by @consciouslycait, a menstrual cycle educator and cyclical content creator. Think of her as your cyclical strategist. She approaches her work from an evidence-based, inclusive approach with a sprinkle of woo woo. She helps passionate, intuitive and brilliant people understand and work with their hormonal rhythm so they can do life & biz not only differently, but cyclically. 

While we’ll discuss hormones & menstruation as one way to think about cyclical business planning, we’ll also consider other patterns you might be experiencing. This workshop isn’t just for people who menstruate, although you should be prepared to hear about that perspective if you attend!

Jenni brings empathy and practical knowledge to support entrepreneurs with unique constraints and business goals besides constant growth.”

- Bailey Lang, copywriter & writing coach

The Details:

When: This workshop was recorded on March 25, 2024, but you can still catch the recording.

Cost: Free

We cover: How to create a game plan for a cyclical approach to business planning by understanding your own patterns, getting clear on your intentions for the coming months, then creating a menu to choose from when you’re feeling low (or high) energy.

Walk away with a clear sense of how to be more productive on your own terms, less shame about the way your body and brain work, empowerment, community, confidence and the ability to create a business that moves with your energy, instead of against it.

All attendees will also receive an exclusive cyclical business planning worksheet to use following the session!